Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Day 7.


The word count above is mine. All mine, and I'm astounded.

Ever since I crossed the 10,000 mark I can't help but feel like my story is grander than I'd thought before. I really am unleashing the creative beast and letting it rip a novel from the ether and into being. I'm really excited. There's a ton more to go and I'm not under any delusion that I'm near done - but it's nice to feel more creative. I even wrote a satire and poetry for class.

I'd encourage you to throw something new into your novel. Something weird that you don't usually write. It counts toward your novel and you can edit it out later. In the meantime you give yourself new abilities and new life in the new medium. A ton of "new".

Note: I am of the school that quotation marks are stapled to their words, and that they don't let periods get in the way unless invited. It is a conscious decision. Thank you, and good night.

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