Friday, November 30, 2007

Day 29.

I know that it's technically day 30 by the time I write this, but it's been a long day 29, so don't blame me for the tardiness. I didn't write anything until about five hours ago when I wrote about five hundred words. Then about an hour and a half ago I decided to go as far as I liked tonight. I wrote my first romantic/erotic scene, and ended up exactly where I had planned tonight. My word count is a crisp 47,292 at the moment.

There's only one more day left, and I'm terribly thrilled. I've never finished a NaNoWriMo before or a novel. I don't know what in the hell I'm going to do, but it's going to be rest for sure. I'll think about that when I get to it, though. It's important that I finish tomorrow's word count, otherwise I won't have any reason to celebrate.

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