Friday, November 30, 2007

Day 30.

Today is the day. After last night's burst of creativity, I woke up a bit late and went to class. Once there, the muse hit me over the head again, and I started banging out words. I came home and almost immediately went to it, writing down as much as I could, and as of approximately five minutes ago, I've got a novel on my hands.

That's right, my word count is 50045 and the novel is finished. I'm so excited and I don't know what to do with myself. I know I'll reward myself somehow, but I just don't know how. Ahh!

As for this blog, I'll be keeping it around. I've got to check on my production somehow, eh? I'll continue to adapt the format as I see fit until I can settle into a rhythm of production and cool advice or quotes.

But for the present, I'm going to be taking a break from writing. I've got 50,000 words to edit soon, but I feel like I've got to take at least a week to cool down from the marathon that was NaNoWriMo.

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